Linking Chart to another Chart

Good day!
I am new to plumsail and I am creating a chart to be linked to another as I cannot create one that displays number of requests per month in one chart only. It is either I get a chart of total number of requests on a particular date I set in my view or it ends up creating a chart that displays total no of requests per month. So good thing you have a demo of linking chart to another chart. My case is different though which is not related to users but type of request or status and I am not familiar with hash. What should I use to replace userId?


Hi Jen,
In our sample, we use userId hash parameter to exchange data between two charts. But you can give it any name and pass any data.

If it is possible, provide temporary access to the charts and describe your case in more detail. Send the information to Based on it, our support team will prepare an estimation.