Separating tickets for different departments

I'm interested in using Plumsail Helpdesk with several different departments within my organization (IT, HR, Finance, and Facilities). We have a unique email address currently associated with each of the different departments for their support requests. Some of the tickets that get submitted are confidential, especially ones for our HR and Finance departments, so we need to have separation of permissions between departments. For example, a support rep in the Facilities department should not be able to see the tickets that were submitted to the HR department.

I'm wondering how to go about separating the permissions to tickets for each of the departments. Is the best way to accomplish this to install completely separate instances of Helpdesk on separate SharePoint sites? Or is there some way to accomplish this with a single instance of the installation?

"Create multiple help desks for different departments and different mailboxes"

Search this in Google, there is a PlumSail document with information on this. I am working on this for my company currently and will most likely have questions as well. Let me know if you have any information also.

Thanks for that. I did find an article from Plumsail that suggests the method of installing multiple instances of the Helpdesk. I also found in the customizations section of the pricing for Plumsail Helpdesk a customization that they could configure that would allow for multiple support email addresses to be used within a single installation. I'm still a little unclear as to whether the ticket viewing permissions could be separated out by the support agent's department, and if it is, whether it makes more sense to go that route vs separate instances of the installation on separate sites. I will follow up with more info if I get any.

Hello! The most simple and efficient way is to create a separate HelpDesk instance for each department. HelpDesk does not have its own permission settings so it can be managed only with the default SharePoint tools. Though you can set unique permissions on the item level, it will require time even with automations. So the item will not be confidential right after its creation. Only separate HelpDesk sites with certain permissions can provide the confidentiality you need.

What regards to the multiple support mailboxes. If you forward messages from multiple addresses to the HelpDesk auto-generated one, you can define which one was used for creation a ticket. Please check the article "Assign ticket based on forwarding address".

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