Ticket can't be created through Web Widget on SharePoint Site or External Website


I want users to use a widget to create a ticket in a HelpDesk. It didn't work with my customized widget forms, so I went back to the default widget form from this article.

Following this article, I tried putting the widget on an external site. It looks like this:

The funky display of the symbols in the body field might be because of my very basic test-website setup. But the cut off submit and cancel buttons also look like this in the SharePoint widget.
Putting aesthetics aside, when I want to submit the ticket, it runs into the following error:

Since it is very much possible, that my test-website is just really badly set up, I decided to test the widget on a SharePoint site, following this article.
Still, the buttons are cut off and when I try to submit a ticket, I get the error e[n] is not a function.

The full error message of the browser looks like this:

Needless to say, that neither widget actually creates a ticket.

Any ideas what I need to fix to get my widget working?

Hello Lea! We did not update yet the article you referred to: it contains form IDs for the old widget. Use these ones to restore the default forms in the new one.

Ticket form ID - For authenticated users

Comment form ID - For authenticated users

Hello Evgeniy!

Thanks for your response!

I’m looking to customize the Widget eventually and need it to be accessible to non-authenticated users, which is why I’d prefer not to replace the Form ID in the Web-Widget Settings of the helpdesk.

When I mentioned going back to the default widget, I was referring to the .json files in the “Create Custom Widget Form” section of the first article I shared (this one).

Am I possibly missing where I can reset the form in the Forms editor with your IDs, or would they not help me in this case?

I sent the default forms through private message.