Ticket Custom Fields in Create A Ticket Advanced

I am trying to populate a Person Picker field using the Ticket Custom Fields in the Advanced portion of the Power Automate Create A Ticket. It fails for the reason I assume that it isn't liking the email address I am putting in the field. Here is the JSON:


Hello! Indeed, it is not obvious. The JSON structure should be the following:


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Actually it succeeded as in it didn't fail but I noticed it still doesn't update that field. It looks like it might but then it just skips them. This is what I have. I'm trying to avoid creating, then getting, then updating the record since most of the time someone is in there looking at it as soon as it is created and then it fails the update step because it's open


I will discuss it with developers and inform you about the result.

Hello Joe! I am sorry for the delay.

The HelpDesk connector allows to set the person field only with an account's ID on the current HelpDesk site:

  "DMId": 9

If you need to set the field with an e-mail address, you can add a SharePoint action for updating a list item. Use the ID output from the HelpDesk action to update the newly created ticket.