Widget Experience | Complex Requests

Hi guys,

I got some questions about the flexibility of the helpdesk widget for SharePoint Online.

Is it possible for the person who posted a ticket to be able to view the ticket details later? We work with columns for the structured entry of tickets, i.e. columns A+B are relevant for the “New Hardware” category, columns C+D for the “New Software” category. However, colleagues can only view the status in the widget and make new comments; expanding the ticket or at least viewing the posted information does not seem possible.

We have processes where more than one person should contribute information to a ticket. For example, when a new employee starts, the human resources department should create a ticket, but the manager must then be able to enrich it with information, e.g. regarding equipment and access rights. How would this be solved?

Greetings from Germany


Hello Markus!

  1. You can create custom views of the tickets and specify there which columns will be shown in each view.

  2. We advise to manage tickets through a HelpDesk interface, thus the manager should have access to the HelpDesk site and be able modify tickets. The managers can be added to CC and follow the discussion through e-mail notifications. Also, you can create custom view of the 'Tickets' list to show the tickets to which the current user is added as a CC contact. Add the view to the top navigation menu for users' convenience.

Hi Evgeniy,

thank you for the advice.

I got another question regarding the SharePoint widget. Is there a license cap regarding the submissions?
We are in the Yacht Plan of the HelpDesk, the SharePoint Widget is hosted on our SharePoint site, but it counts submissions in the plumsail account:

Is it possible to design the detail-page of an ticket? So not the list view but when i click on a ticket in the widget? We enter many information in fields of the SharePoint list but the person, who inserted the ticket, has no chance to see the details or to modify them after the ticket was submitted.

And the response times of the widget are somtimes to long. First it is showing the spinning wheel without the "loading", then there's the spinning whell with the Loading screen and then it takes some further seconds until the list os loaded. Is there a problem in our instance or is it by design the the list needs -10 seconds to load?

And another short question: Is it possible to get a consistent language layout? Right now, there are separate points, where the buttons are english while the SharePoint Site itself is in german.
For example:

Hello Markus!

The submissions are counted if you use a customised form for the widget which is tied with your Plumsail account. In this case, it applies the license terms of the Forms subscription you have. There is no limits if you use a default widget form (you can restore it following this instruction).

Unfortunately, the only way to show additional information about the ticket is to add the required fields to the list view in the widget. As a workaround, you can provide read permissions to the requesters for the 'Tickets' list on the HelpDesk site. It can be item-level permissions only for requester's tickets.

As regards the widget performance, it is a common issue. For now we are developing a new version of the widget from scratch to replace the current one with an outdated architecture. We should publish it in several months.

And finally, you can edit the widget localization string following this instruction.

Hi Evgeniy,

so I will wait for the update of the widget regarding some points.

The localization topic didn't work, because the things I see in english doesn't apper in english in the de-DE file of the Widget.

I cannot find the highligthed Texts. But also the Columns are displayed in english in the widget.

The setup of my user is german:

But the Categories "Aktive" and "Finished" are displayed in german:

Hello Markus! What language did you choose when installed HelpDesk? The German localization is applied only for sites for which you choose that language during the installation. If you installed an English site, you could replace the contents of the localization file 'en-US.js' with the translation to German gotten from 'de-DE.js'. The translation of 'Add new ticket' is specified in property Widget_TicketsList_AddNewTicketLink.

Hi Evgeniy,

this is long ago, I'd guess it was de-DE but could also be en-US.
However, shouldn't it work if my browser is set to german language and my microsoft account (and therefore Sharepoint) is also set to german? I thought this is the trick of your localization mechanism, that depending on the language the user is using, the Widget and Helpdesk are shown in the correct language.
If I insert the german words in the en-US file, people who need the english translation don't get them.

Hello Markus, I will ask developers to help with this case. Could you share the file de-DE.js with the German localization from your HelpDesk?

de-DE.js (5.2 KB)
Hi Evgeniy,
i attached the file.

Best regards and thanks.


Markus, I have received a reply from the developers. The widget uses the language that was chosen during the HelpDesk installation. If it was English, it uses the 'en-US.js' localization file. Thus, MUI is not supported in it. If you wish, you can switch to German editing the mentioned file for English language but all users will see the German translation then.

Developers are working on a completely new version of the widget that will be ready in several months and they will try to support MUI in that version.